Japan Time

Saturday, November 8, 2008

I'm here!

Just wanted to let everyone know that I made it safely to Nagoya. The flight went very well - it was surprisingly short-feeling.
My laptop power cable got forwarded to my apartment (I thought I was bringing my carry-on to training, but it was recommended that I forward it so I would have less bags to carry to the hotel) - so I won't be on the computer as much as I would like. I will be on much more when I get to Fujieda on Saturday.
Wish me luck for my training and I'll catch up with you all later!


Anonymous said...

Welcome to Japan!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you in the Dai-Ichi Fuji? Small rooms right? There's an internet cafe (I think it's big and good, never been there myself) between Honbu and Bic Camera, and of course there's the pc in the lobby of your hotel. But you might be too busy with training to come online anyway. Anyway, good luck with training and getting used to Japan again! And get a day's rest tomorrow, you'll need it next week!

Anonymous said...

Hey Brianna Manatee! I'm glad you made it safely and the flight wasn't too bad. Did you throw up on anyone? Mom and dad say "hi" and they're happy you're safe and getting settled in. Love from Flushing, Michigan, USA!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey!!! I am so glad you made it to Japan safely :) I've been praying and thinking a lot about you lately. I can't wait to see pictures and hear all about your training. I am sure you are going to have some AMAZING stories ;) It is so amazing that God has sent you back to Japan and I hope one day I too can go back. Miss you!

Jeannette said...

Glad you made it safely! Praying your training will go well and you'll make some good friends.

Wendy Min said...

Hurrah! Bri! I'm going to keep up with your blog. I love you lots and can't wait to see what God shows you.