Japan Time

Friday, April 30, 2010

Fujigoko (Fuji Five Lakes) Adventure!

On Wednesday, my student Hiromi and I went in search of Mt. Fuji. We went to Fujigoko (Fuji Five Lakes). It's kind of funny that I'm from Michigan, which is famous for the Great Lakes, and now I live close to the Fuji Five Lakes, five lakes that are also famous across the world. Kind of ironic.
The morning started off really cloudy and foggy, but we didn't give up and waited to see Mt. Fuji. We went to four out of five lakes throughout the day. The weather cleared up a bit in the afternoon, with big white fluffy clouds throughout the sky (pretty much mostly in front of Mt. Fuji). But I got some nice shots and I wanted to visit Fujigoko before I go back to America, so I was really satisfied at the end of the day. I had a great time with Hiromi, too, and I was really thankful she drove all around on a crazy Mt. Fuji hunt!

Mt. Fuji is directly behind me but hidden behind the clouds.

Videos of our adventure:


The Other Wook said...

I love the photos where Mt. Fuji was just sort of peaking out from behind the clouds.

Mary said...

OMG! I really miss Japan seeing your photos. One day, I hope I will be able to visit Mt. Fuji, one of the places I have yet to visit, but have always dreamed of climbing.