Japan Time

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Teacher of the Month...

Every month my company sends a newletter to the foreign teachers in our area, which includes a lot of little tidbits about teaching and general information. There's also a Teacher of the Month section and this month, my little old picture was on that page!

My school's manager nominated me in August and the main office chose me and another teacher. Woot woot! I get an engraved pen and a little blurb in the newsletter. But the best thing is that my manager really appreciates my work. Summer was so busy for me - I tried my hardest to do every task well and that effort was recognized. That makes me feel good.


Jeannette said...

Congratulations! Will you be staying in Japan another year?

Kori said...

That's awesome, congratulations!!!

Dan J said...

Yes I saw that, just today! I was skimming over the newsletter and I was like, Man that face looks familiar... HOLY COW it's Brianna! I always forget we're with the same honbu :)